BOULAD Adel Paul, born in 1951 in Egypt, is a Doctor of Physical Sciences (1976), State Professor of Martial Arts (1975), leader of multicultural operational teams in hi-tech (1978), executive coach ( 2001, He snubbed and denigrated the art of Tahtib for more than thirty years and it was not until the year 2000 that he measured its depth and richness. In 2013, it updated the transmission method, designed and distributed in French and Arabic the “Manual for the Instructor and the Pupil” and proceeded to register Tahtib in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Unesco.
This book includes :
A new teaching norm.
This new book is a practical guide available in ARABIC, ENGLISH, FRENCH and SPANISH.
It meets the needs of many martial arts practitioners, concerning the application of the techniques and the forms in free fighting. As a matter of fact, they were missing, so far, a didactive and progressive approach. The thirteen forms (Tashkila) described in here include specific techniques and « secret weapons » still practiced nowadays in endangered Egyptian villages.
The five ways to execute the forms constitute a teaching architecture, leading to free fighting. Their successive constraints are intended to boost the mobility at 360° of the jousters, and their personal understanding of timing and space in combat. This results in flowing and respectful jousts, executed to the rhythms of the percussions.
An easy-to-read guidebook with many benefits at every corner.
As its reading goes along, the guidebook progressively unveils the benefits of good preparatory exercises and techniques, and of the diverse forms of fighting. It connects this way with the other, well-known, martial cultures.
The pictures, the text, but also the QR codes to scan to access videos on demand and their updates, enable the reader to discover the techniques and to practice them.
Musical lines, tied to the different forms and preliminary phases to the jousts, complement this book, with regards to the echoing of rhythms and heartbeats.
© Copyright 2021 – Modern Tahtib